Evening Classes
The Next Term of Evening Classes will start from Monday 13th January until Wednesday 19th March.
Suitable for pipers aged 18+ from complete beginners playing practice chanters to advanced pipers, these weekly classes in small groups will provide a supportive and fun learning environment. There are in person and online classes available, so click the options in the booking form to find times.
These 10 week courses of weekly 50 minute lessons, offer structured learning experience, designed to take you from absolute beginner through to proficient piper, through PDQB levels 2 - 5. There will be an opportunity to sit these exams along the way if you wish. The 10 week course costs £110 for the online or in person courses.
Offered across 3 levels - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, these classes will provide learners with all the abilities required to be a self sufficient piper. Pupils will learn how to read and write music for the bagpipe, maintain and tune their own instrument and develop a well rounded repertoire of pieces.
When you click on your preferred option, a date range will appear. Please select Mon 16th Jan (even if your lesson is another evening), which is highlighted with a small blue dot. This will allow you to move to the next screen and complete your booking process with the date/time selected at the start.
Book Evening Class Customer Account
Piper aged 17+Under? Take a look at our weekend piping club information here.
Classes offered are subject to amendment or cancellation. You may be asked to move times/ days due to over subscription to a class or lack of interest in a day/ time
Registrations for evening classes will close on Wednesday prior to the term starting. Any enrollments made after this time will be added to the next term of evening classes. All classes are run to UK time (GMT/BST). Please be aware of Spring/ Autumn daylight savings and how this may effect your attendance
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to learn to play?
If you are new to the Evening Classes and the instrument, you will need to purchase our Tutor Book and a chanter. A starter pack is available from The Bagpipe Shop for £65 which includes both these things.
For our online classes you will also need a video conferencing app (skype or zoom), a web cam and a broadband connection.
Who will teach me
The teachers from this course will be drawn from The National Piping Centre’s world-class teaching staff. Among them there are World Pipe Band Champions, top solo pipers, top recording artists and more.
What do the levels mean?
We have three levels of classes all of which will cover a mix of practical and theory work. Fnd out more about the levels from the description below, so you can choose the right level for your playing standard.
Beginner - whether you have been learning independently or have never played before our learner classes are suited for those who wish to kickstart their piping journey. These classes focus on holding the practice chanter correctly, building confidence with note transitions and some simple embellishments. The overall outcome for this level is to learn some simple melodies.
Intermediate - These classes are best suited for those who are competent with holding the practice chanter and can play some simple tunes with embellishments. The Intermediate classes will explore more intricate embellishments while building them into your repertoire. Students who sign up for these classes should be aiming towards purchasing their first set of bagpipes.
Advanced - The advanced classes are best suited for those who have been playing for quite some time. You should have all of the traditional embellishments deeply rooted in your finger work and a good amount of repertoire built up. Students should sign up for this class if they wish to play more advanced tunes with the intention of transferring them onto the bagpipes.
When do registrations close?
Registrations for our Evening Class terms will close 7 days before the term starts. This allows for time to contact students and ensure everyone is grouped correctly before term starts.
How often to terms run?
These 10 week courses are run over 3 terms a year. Term 1 is a 10 week term typically running between September and December. Term 2 is a 10 week term which commences January until Easter and Term 3 is a 10 week term which normally runs from Easter until July. For further information about our evening classes please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 0141 353 0220.
How long are the lessons?
Each weekly lesson will last for 50 minutes. Please arrive in good time to start your lesson promptly.
Hearing Protection
The National Piping Centre requires all students to use hearing protection at all times when playing pipes. Hearing protection is available for purchase in our shop or free of charge from the earplug dispenser in both our piping school venues.
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